Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sept. 10, 2011

Hi everyone,  It's been 2 weeks since my last post and a lot has happened.  The posted pictures are from last week's camp that comprised of 60+ kids doing everything from technical rock climbing to dismantling and reconstructing a ger to playing team-building games and hikes, both day and night.  Yes, there are still places in the world where one doesn't have to deal with light and noise pollution.  The night sky is simply amazing when not drowned out by other lights.  As I looked at the brightness of the Ursas and a "milky" Milky Way I was struck by how minute we are in the universe.  Being in this predominantly undeveloped land has an effect that is causing me to reexamine priorities and question values that we are influenced by the media back in the States.  This camp was a great way to start off the year.  Despite kids of many different nationalities, athletic abilities, languages and incomes there seems to be a mutual respect and acceptance that replaces the cliques and the haves and have nots that often accompanies schools back home.  I'm not saying that there are no cliques here but they are not adversarial.  We've just completed our 3rd week at school.  For some a routine is being established, however, Pam and I are not a part of that.  Our jobs have us going in many different directions and attempting to put some order, policies and procedures in place so that the students can get the support services they need as quickly as possible.  I'm not sure whether it is the size of the school (about 300 students), the administration, the faculty or all of the mentioned,  but the school has a very positive vibe coming from it.  There are lots of activities for staff put on by the social committee.  For example on Fridays 4 people sign up to provide breakfast for other staff who also signed up to do a breakfast.  There was a reception for the new teachers last night by the school board with plenty of food and drink.  Many students at ISU have a great work ethic but it isn't 100%.  I've been working with many students that need organizational skills, math and language help, behavior plans and the occasional call home to the parents to inform them that their students are not completing assignments.  The administration is fairly quick to respond to teacher needs and are receptive to teacher ideas on ways to make improvements at the school.  There is also very good communication.  It is not perfect but there is an awareness that it is a foundation that makes the school environment better and there seems to be an effort on the staff's part to improve it.  The weather's been fluctuating quite a bit lately.  Today it's like Indian Summer.  Earlier in the week we saw frost in the surrounding mountain trees and some snow near the tops which are not that higher than we are.  And the talk continues about the winter cold.  Can't wait to experience the -40 C.  We had the first football (soccer) get together today.  I have been designated the boys coach.  There is some talent and the boys appear that they want to learn and improve.  Right now we are playing on blacktop as we wait for a new turf field to be laid.  Talk about fast play!!!  Enough from my side.  Pam's turn when she returns from yoga with a woman from Mexico City that she met yesterday.    

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