Saturday, September 10, 2011

6th - 8th grade 3 day camp in Terelj

 Orientation:  6th-8th graders welcome to Heaven's Envoy Ger Camp
 Ger Sweet Ger
 Technical Climbing was done on granite like this.
 ISU staff moment
 The temps dropped quickly so we were glad to have this stove in the ger.  A ger camp employee stopped in at about 6am to fire this up so we'd get out of bed in a warm ger.  
 No movement as the sun starts to light up the area. 
 Off on a 3+ hour hike.
 Kids are the same all over
 This is the area where the hike was.
 This fire felt great.
Keeping eye on the "wild animals" during a game of "predator/prey".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave

    Sounds like life is treating you well. Glad you are enjoying your experience. We miss you! Sue
